here’s the kitchuation

you know that feeling when you’re standing in your kitchen and the recipe calls for malt syrup and while you don’t know what that is, you definitely know you don’t have it? that’s a kitchuation and we have them quite often. there are those cooks who take this in stride, grab a can of dark corn syrup, and keep moving. then there are those of us who try a quick search to figure out what it is, where to buy it, and whether the grocery store next door may have it. finally, there are those who just grab another recipe or make something they know they love so they always have the ingredients on hand.

those three people are us: dandy lion is our adventurer, i am the one who will go to 6 grocery stores within walking distance then trek down to whole foods if necessary, and snickers has the ingredients on hand to make cra-mazing lemon bars.

we’ve been discussing a blog where we’d share recipes and learn from each other. similar to a cooking club or dinner night, but  i’m the terrible sister who moved to seattle and cannot participate in person. more importantly, we are tackling the biggest kitchuation of all: my grandmother’s handwritten, water stained, no measurements notebook. we’ll be working our way through the notebook and having others submit as well. along the way, we’ll be sharing recipes with each other and trying them out as well as discussing kitchuations in which we’ve found ourselves: both good and bad. on the plus side, we’ll have legible copies of grandma betty’s recipes!

welcome and we hope you are inspired to tackle your kitchuation as well.